Health is Wealth!! Keeping a healthy lifestyle is important for us to stay strong against the onslaught of diseases and viruses so that we can spend more quality time with our family and friends and engage in our hobbies and personal activities. About 100 Queenstown Residents take part in the monthly Walk-a-Jog last Sunday on 11th April 2010 to keep fit and stay healthy. 

Awaiting Warm Ups

Many of them arrive at 7am and they were not disappointed. They were treated to a surprise when Guest-of-Honour Mr Baey Yam Keng, advisor to the Community Centre, arrived to join them for the walk! 

Walking along Stirling Road

After a zesty warm up, residents embarked on the walk-a-jog around Stirling Road and Mei Chin Road. They talked, giggled and learnt new friends along the journey. After the 30 minute activity and cool down exercises, a lucky draw awaited the residents and many of them walked home with attractive prizes such as juice mixer and home appliances!

Our Top Winner!

Subsequently, a free medical check up was conducted where residents get to know their BMI, blood glucose and other health indicators at the booth conducted in the CC. What a fulfilling day! So, join us in the next Walk-a-Jog in May 16th!

Filling up the particulars in the health screening

The Organisers!

Posted by Queenstown YEC on Thursday, April 15, 2010
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